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Raelene Sawyer: Systems development is the process of defining designing testing and implementing a new software application or program. It could include the internal development of customized systems the creation of database systems or the acquisition of third party developed software. SDLC in healthcare

Raelene Sawyer: Systems development is the process of defining designing testing and implementing a new software application or program. It could include the internal development of customized systems the creation of database systems or the acquisition of third party developed software. SDLC in healthcare

Discussion: 175 Minimum-As a health care manager, it?s important to get buy-in for a system change. To do so, you need to be able to communicate the justification, the research behind it, and the plan for implementing the change. 

How do systems development and implementation work together in the health care industry? Provide examples.  

Replies: 100 words minimum

Raelene Sawyer: Systems development is the process of defining designing testing and implementing a new software application or program. It could include the internal development of customized systems the creation of database systems or the acquisition of third party developed software. SDLC in healthcare implementation stage of SDLC in healthcare involves developing the software systems based on the design created in the previous step. The healthcare organization develops the software system using chosen technologies during this stage. Some implementation is deploying electronic health record software in your organization to working with a new revenue cycle management application the more knowledge you have about setup more smoothly implementation They we go but along the way it’s crucial to remain informed about industry best practices as well as regulation. Up data that could affect how you collect store and work with patient data. It knowing the healthcare issues including healthcare implementation is a task that can take more time than you may have readily available. The landscape create a larger system that all where application work together and communicate with each other.

Shaneka Holmes: Systems Development involves creating or enhancing software applications, database, and other technology solutions to meet specific needs within healthcare organizations.


  • Requirements      Gathering: Developers work with stakeholders to understand their needs and      define system requirements.
  • Design: Based on      requirements, they design the system architecture, user interfaces, and      data models.
  • Coding: Developers      write the actual code for the system.
  • Testing: Rigorous      testing ensures the system functions correctly and securely.
  • Deployment: The system is      made available for use.

Implementation focuses on putting the developed system into practice within the health care organization.


  • Planning: Create a      detailed implementation plan, considering factors like training, data      migration, and user adoption.
  • Configuration: Customize the      system to fit the organizations workflows and processes.
  • Training: Train staff on      using the system effectively.
  • Data Migration:      Transfer existing patient data from old systems to new ones.
  • Go Live: Launch the      system for real world use.

Assignment: Homework Content


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Imagine you have been asked to describe the development and implementation phases of your chosen project to the new IT manager. Although you are writing about the same system as you chose in previous weeks, you will be writing a separate paper about a separate phrase of the project.

Review Figure 10-2 in Ch. 10 of your textbook for an example of development phases.

Create an outline or visual (e.g., graphic organizer, mind map) of the high-level development and implementation phases of your chosen project. 

o What phases are needed to develop and implement your project?

o What milestones are necessary to accomplish the phases (e.g., project kickoff, project charter)?

o What challenges could pop up?

o What questions do you need to ask yourself during this process?


Satzinger, J. W., Jackson, R. B., & Burd, S. D. (2016). Systems analysis and design in a changing world (7th ed.). Cengage Learning. 

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